Friday, February 18, 2011

Wine 101: A Series for Beginning Wine Tasters

For those of you who have friends who are new at wine tasting, have them take a look at the first three posts I made to my blog at -- The third post, at the top of the page, is advice: What wines it's safe for a beginner winetaster to buy -- and what it's not safe to try. Meaning: What you're most likely to enjoy, and what is probably too intense for a beginner.

This is a good article to send your friends and relatives too -- or even your wine-tasting group members!

Scroll down that blog to see another two postings that are informational: All about Red Wines, and the countries they come from; and all about White, Rose, Champagne, and Dessert Wines.

(Give them a red yourself -- I've had longtime winedrinking friends tell me they've learned a couple of interesting things from these three articles!)

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